Fifteen maps showing avalanche zones and hazards of critical areas in the state; descriptions of individual paths, statistics and guidelines for land-use planning in avalanche hazard areas. 124 pages. 12 figures. 15 plates. Digital PDF download. SP-07D
Thousands of snow avalanches occur in Colorado each year. Most are in remote mountain areas that do not affect people. However, there are two type of hazards affecting people and their works. The first type effects travelers who initiate or are reached by small avalanches. The second type affects permanent facilities or persons occupying area reached by occasional large avalanches. This second type can be effectively delineated on maps.
Part 1 of this report is a general introduction to the phenomenon of show avalanches and their effect on human activities. Part 2 and its appendix are a summary of 15 mapping projects that were released in 1975 as open-file reports. The maps, at a scale of 1:50,000, are included with this report.