OF-20-11 Alkaline Complexes of the Wet Mountains Area OF-20-11 Alkaline Complexes of the Wet Mountains Area, Colorado: A Geological Summary, Bibliography, and Data Compilation of Critical Mineral Laboratory Results
OF-19-08 Geologic Map of the Mesa Lakes Quadrangle OF-19-08 Geologic Map of the Mesa Lakes Quadrangle, Mesa and Delta Counties, Colorado
MS-29 Map Showing Potential Metal-Mine Drainage Hazards in Colorado MS-29 Map Showing Potential Metal-Mine Drainage Hazards in Colorado, Based on Mineral-Deposit Geology
MI-34 Detailed Cross Sections Correlating Upper Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary Rocks between the Uinta Basin of Eastern Utah and Western Colorado and the Piceance Basin of Western Colorado (detail) MI-34 Detailed Cross Sections Correlating Upper Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary Rocks between the Uinta Basin of Eastern Utah and Western Colorado and the Piceance Basin of Western Colorado
RS-46 Proceedings of the 43rd Forum on the Geology of Industrial Minerals RS-46 Proceedings of the 43rd Forum on the Geology of Industrial Minerals
OF-77-04 Reconnaissance of Ground-Water in a Part of the Yampa River Basin between Craig and Steamboat Springs OF-77-04 Reconnaissance of Ground-Water in a Part of the Yampa River Basin between Craig and Steamboat Springs, Moffat and Routt Counties, Colorado
B-20 Preliminary Notes on the Revision of the Geological Map of Eastern Colorado B-20 Preliminary Notes on the Revision of the Geological Map of Eastern Colorado
GEO-1912-01 Biographical Memoir of Samuel Franklin Emmons 1841-1911 GEO-1912-01 Biographical Memoir of Samuel Franklin Emmons 1841-1911