IS-25 Selected References on the Geology and Coal Resources of the Central and Western Colorado Coal Fields and Regions IS-25 Selected References on the Geology and Coal Resources of the Central and Western Colorado Coal Fields and Regions
MS-15 Map and Discovery of Permitted Colorado Coal Mines MS-15 Map and Discovery of Permitted Colorado Coal Mines, 1981
MS-13 State Lands Status Map: Lands and Minerals Administered by Agencies of the Colorado Department of Natural Resources MS-13 State Lands Status Map: Lands and Minerals Administered by Agencies of the Colorado Department of Natural Resources
MS-10 Metal Mining Activity Map of Colorado Excluding Uranium and Vanadium (with Directory) MS-10 Metal Mining Activity Map of Colorado Excluding Uranium and Vanadium (with Directory), 1978
MS-11 Map and Directory of Colorado Uranium and Vanadium Mining and Milling Activities (detail) MS-11 Map and Directory of Colorado Uranium and Vanadium Mining and Milling Activities
OF-75-06 Slope Map of the Meeker Area OF-75-06 Slope Map of the Meeker Area, Rio Blanco County, Colorado
OS-06 Regional Oil Shale Study Environmental Inventory OS-06 Regional Oil Shale Study – Environmental Inventory, Analysis, and Impact: Piceance Creek Basin, Rio Blanco and Garfield Counties, Colorado
OS-04 A Summary Report; Oil Shale and the Future of a Region OS-04 Oil Shale and the Future of a Region: Garfield, Mesa, and Rio Blanco Counties, Colorado, A Summary Report