IS-22 Annotated Bibliography of Subsidence Studies over Abandoned Coal Mines in Colorado [2010 update] IS-22 Annotated Bibliography of Subsidence Studies over Abandoned Coal Mines in Colorado [2010 update]
SP-52 Messages in Stone: Colorado's Colorful Geology (2nd Edition) SP-52 Messages in Stone: Colorado’s Colorful Geology (2nd Edition)
OF-06-02 Rockfall Hazards Susceptibility in the Evergreen Area OF-06-02 Rockfall Hazards Susceptibility in the Evergreen Area, Jefferson County, Colorado
FT-02-01 Mineral Resources of Jefferson County Field Trip Guidebook FT-02-01 Mineral Resources of Jefferson County Field Trip Guidebook
MS-13 State Lands Status Map: Lands and Minerals Administered by Agencies of the Colorado Department of Natural Resources MS-13 State Lands Status Map: Lands and Minerals Administered by Agencies of the Colorado Department of Natural Resources
OF-78-09 Coal Mines and Coal Analysis of the Denver and Cheyenne Basins OF-78-09 Coal Mines and Coal Analysis of the Denver and Cheyenne Basins, Colorado