WAT-1998-02 Abandoned Mines and Naturally Occurring Acid Rock Drainage on National Forest System Lands in Colorado WAT-1998-02 Abandoned Mines and Naturally Occurring Acid Rock Drainage on National Forest System Lands in Colorado
WAT-1998-01 Characterization and Functional Assessment of Reference Wetlands in Colorado: A Preliminary Investigation of Hydrogeomorphic (HGM) Classification and Functions for Colorado's Wetlands WAT-1998-01 Characterization and Functional Assessment of Reference Wetlands in Colorado
IS-44 Colorado Mineral and Mineral Fuel Activity IS-44 Colorado Mineral and Mineral Fuel Activity, 1997
IS-45 Active Permitted Mine Operations in Colorado IS-45 Active Permitted Mine Operations in Colorado, 1996-1997
IS-46 Snow and Avalanche: Colorado Avalanche Information Center Annual Report IS-46 Snow and Avalanche: Colorado Avalanche Information Center Annual Report, 1997-1998
IS-47 Geologic Hazards Avoidance or Mitigation: A Comprehensive Guide to State Statutes IS-47 Geologic Hazards Avoidance or Mitigation: A Comprehensive Guide to State Statutes, Land Use Issues and Professional Practice in Colorado
RS-33 Spanish Peak Field RS-33 Spanish Peak Field, Las Animas County, Colorado: Geologic Setting and Early Development of a Coalbed Methane Reservoir in the Central Raton Basin
RS-34 Penetration Charts of Selected Colorado Oil and Gas Fields RS-34 Penetration Charts of Selected Colorado Oil and Gas Fields
RS-35 Alkalic Igneous Rocks of Colorado and Their Associated Ore Deposits RS-35 Alkalic Igneous Rocks of Colorado and Their Associated Ore Deposits