
RS-34 Penetration Charts of Selected Colorado Oil and Gas Fields


Plates contain data on 117 representative oil and gas fields located in all thirteen of Colorado’s producing regions. Data includes discovery date, stratigraphic units penetrated by deepest well in field, producing zones, rock type of production wells, annual and cumulative productivity, gravity of oil, BTU of gas, reservoir drive mechanism, and hydrocarbon trap type. Index maps show location of all fields listed in chart. 6 pages. 4 plates. Digital PDF download. RS-34D

From the Methodology:

To graphically present production and show information penetration charts of significant oil and gas fields in the state were constructed. To do this, the state was subdivided into quadrants, and 20-35 fields were selected in each quadrant based on significant producing intervals. Quadrants were further subdivided by tectonic area such as basin or arch. Fields were organized alphabetically by tectonic area. Occasionally contiguous fields were combined where production records did not permit easy separation.