Production, prices, drilling activity, and reserves of oil and gas, coal, molybdenum, precious metals, construction materials and industrial minerals; exploration activities; map of oil and gas wildcats, current coal mines and power plants; and major minerals producers and prospects; production graphs and photographs. 28 pages. 34 figures. 6 tables. Digital PDF download. IS-44D
The CGS Mineral Resources Section estimates the total value of 1997 mineral fuel production in Colorado to be $2,327 million dollars. The value of Colorado coal production is estimated at $356 million.
Nonfuel mineral production — including metals, industrial minerals, and construction materials – The USGS Mineral Information Office estimates the value of the 1997 Colorado mineral production at $523 million, up 2 percent from the 1996 value of $513 million. The increased value is due mostly to increased molybdenum, sand and gravel and crushed stone production.