GEO-2004-01 The Joint Study of the Colorado Geological Survey Relocation per HB 04-1359 GEO-2004-01 The Joint Study of the Colorado Geological Survey Relocation per HB 04-1359
MS-42 Colorado Springs Landslide Susceptibility Map MS-42 Colorado Springs Landslide Susceptibility Map, El Paso County, Colorado
OF-02-08 Soil and Bedrock Conditions and Construction Considerations OF-02-08 Soil and Bedrock Conditions and Construction Considerations, North-Central Douglas County, Colorado
IS-47 Geologic Hazards Avoidance or Mitigation: A Comprehensive Guide to State Statutes IS-47 Geologic Hazards Avoidance or Mitigation: A Comprehensive Guide to State Statutes, Land Use Issues and Professional Practice in Colorado
HAZ-1997-01 Rockfall Hazard Assessment at Booth Falls Condominiums and Proposed Mitigation HAZ-1997-01 Rockfall Hazard Assessment at Booth Falls Condominiums and Proposed Mitigation