
MS-42 Colorado Springs Landslide Susceptibility Map, El Paso County, Colorado


Three map plates show areas of landslide susceptibility and outlines of landslides mapped within the city limits of Colorado Springs. It is not site specific. The maps provide coverage that aids ongoing city planning and addresses general public information, disclosure, and education. The accompanying booklet includes a digital elevation map, generalized geology map, cross sections, and GIS imagery project examples. GIS shapefiles are not included. 32 pages, 3 color plates (Scale 1:24,000). Digital PDF download. MS-42D

From the Introduction:

Landslides are one of the most costly natural hazards in the United States, threatening every state. A recent estimate by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) states that 25 to 50 deaths and damage exceeding $2 billion occur every year in the U.S. (Spiker and Gori, 2000). Landslides are the result of the force of gravity acting on a slope where the soil/rock strength is sufficiently weak enough that the slope-forming materials shear against each other and begin to move, flow, or slide downhill. These movements can range from very rapid, singular events, such as rockfalls or debris flows, to very slow ground movements that are only perceptible over months or years. Structures not designed for earth movements generally do not survive landslide movements. The tremendous earth forces will shift, shear, crack, remove, or bury buildings. Once initiated, landslide movements often continue until the damage is such that the structure is completely destroyed or the distress makes the structure unusable, requiring demolition and/or costly remedial design and repair. Critical facilities such as highways are similarly affected. When these structures are residential structures, they become dangerous and unlivable, requiring condemnation and loss of the home or even entire neighborhoods.