
Quote: Robert Frost, geohazards expert

Not only sands and gravels Were once more on their travels, But gulping muddy gallons Great boulders off their balance Bumped heads together dully And started down the gully. Whole capes caked off in slices. I felt my standpoint shaken…


Swelling or expansive soils

Colorado has many areas susceptible to the problems that swelling soils cause. This video gives some background on the problem.

Dramatic landslide headscarp threatens this structure on Constellation Drive in Skyway
Dramatic landslide headscarp threatens this structure on Constellation Drive in Skyway


Landslide Hazard Info for Colorado Springs Residents and Real Estate Professionals

The city of Colorado Springs lies at the boundary between the Great Plains and the Front Range of the southern Rocky Mountains. Western sections of the city are underlain by weak claystones and shales that are prone to landslides. Several developed areas have experienced various degrees of damage from landslide…


Land subsidence, a growing problem

Deltares, an independent institute for applied research in the field of water and subsurface, hosted fifteen international subsidence experts to discuss subsidence problems worldwide at the annual meeting of UNESCO Land Subsidence working group. The video below features Gilles Erkens, subsidence expert…