Large 700-series Caterpillar mine hauling trucks at the Holcim Portland Cement plant in Florence Energy, General, Minerals, Publications April 13, 2023 IS-85 Colorado Mineral and Energy Industry Activities 2021-2022 The current annual Colorado Mineral and Energy Industry Activities report for 2021-22 is now available. Following up on the 2020-21 report, this report is based on 2021 production data with additional reported news from 2022. It provides a comprehensive snapshot of Colorado’s mineral resource…
OF-22-16D Digital Compilation of Surficial and Bedrock Geology of the Montrose 30x60 Minute Quadrangle General, Geology, Publications March 30, 2023 New Colorado 30×60 minute quadrangle datasets Underwritten with special supplemental funding though the US Geological Survey (USGS) STATEMAP Program, we digitized, re-compiled, and quality-controlled several previously-published 30×60-minute geologic map quadrangles as GIS data packages. In addition to the information the original 1:100,000-scale maps, data from more recent 1:24,000-scale (7.5 minute) CGS quadrangle mapping was merged…
MS-53 Colorado Stratigraphy Chart Geology, Publications September 7, 2022 MS-53 Colorado Stratigraphy Chart A collaboration between the CGS and the Denver Museum of Nature & Science (DMNS) has resulted in a new stratigraphic chart for the state of Colorado. This beautifully designed color chart was designed from the ground up to illustrate the…
Pyrite Geology, Hazards, Publications, Water July 21, 2022 Case Study: NARD Are pristine mountain waters always clean and pure? Can streams unaffected by human activities and livestock influences be unfit for human consumption, or for aquatic life? The existence of natural acid rock drainage (NARD) suggests a “no” to the former, and a “yes” to the latter question. But…
North Table Mountain stands between Golden and the wider Denver metro area in the background. Photo credit: Vince Matthews for the CGS. Geology, Publications May 11, 2022 Golden Rocks: The Geology and Mining History of Golden, Colorado We’ve received the go ahead to help distribute this marvelous (and FREE!) 100+ page digital publication from the talented and insightful Donna Anderson and Paul Haseman. Their passion for geology and for communicating the fascinating and often surprising facts about Golden and its geologic history show through every page…
The Flatirons overlooking Boulder Geology, Publications April 21, 2022 Unfolding the Geology of the West Our collaborators and friends up in Boulder at the Geological Society of America (GSA) are making the following special offer available to our loyal subscribers (instructions at the end of the article): As the national GSA conference takes place in Denver every few years, staff at…
Pierre Shale (gray) exposed along St. Vrain Creek in Weld County General, Geology, Publications March 16, 2022 Recent reports published OF-20-11 Alkaline Complexes of the Wet Mountains Area, Colorado: A Geological Summary, Bibliography, and Data Compilation of Critical Mineral Laboratory Results — With renewed interest in critical minerals driven by global demand and consequent shortages, the CGS funded a compilation of historical sample results and a…
Aggregate quarry near Durango Energy, Minerals, Publications February 4, 2022 IS-84 Colorado Mineral and Energy Industry Activities 2020-2021 – bibliography Every year, the CGS Minerals section prepares a comprehensive survey of the mineral and energy industries across the state. The 2020-2021 report isn’t finished quite yet, but the comprehensive bibliographic list that it is based on is. This list includes state, local and federal government sources, as well as private…
Tree trunk with up-stream face scoured by debris flow Hazards, Publications June 23, 2021 HAZ-2021-01 Post-wildfire Hazards Noting that we were getting hundreds of search hits on a previous version of an info-brochure that we originally published in 2010, we decided to issue a new, updated version: HAZ-2021-01 Post-wildfire Hazards: Mud Slides :: Debris Flows. The subject is unfortunately very relevant given the…
Detail from one of over 600 Denver Basin geophysical and lithological logs included in the ON-OF-78-08M digitization project. Photo credit: Colorado Geological Survey. Geology, Minerals, Publications June 3, 2021 New GIS data and maps For those of you who are subscribers to the CGS announcement list, we want to direct your attention to a handful of new maps and recently digitized analog data sets that we haven’t otherwise publicized. These include several important online GIS maps and downloadable data packages:…
Looking northwest to Hells Kitchen from Ekkert General, Geology, Publications April 26, 2021 Recent STATEMAP quadrangles The CGS actively participates in the STATEMAP portion of the US Geological Survey’s National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program (NCGMP), a nation-wide effort to generate comprehensive…
Surface operations at the Climax molybdenum mine Energy, Geology, Minerals, Publications April 15, 2021 A few new publications For those of you who are recent subscribers to the CGS mailing list, we wanted to direct your attention to a handful of new publications that we haven’t otherwise publicized. We’ve been adding more in the last months, so stay tuned for another introductory posting: IS-82…
Avalanche snow with disturbed vegetation in runout zone. Photo credit: Colorado Geological Survey.|SP-39 The Snowy Torrents: Figure 12. Accident 81-21 Hazards, Publications February 9, 2021 The Snowy Torrents Here in Colorado, avalanche season is not over yet, and it’s been another deadly one with 26 fatalities so far in the US, six in the state. In that light, we thought we would re-release a publication that highlights at least one challenging aspect of Colorado snowfall — that is,…