
IS-37 Water Resources Beneath State Lands in Part of T. 16 S., R. 63 W., Black Squirrel Creek Basin, El Paso County, Colorado


Describes project area in Black Squirrel Creek Basin, El Paso County; drilling and surveying program; geologic setting; water resources; and water use. 38 pages. 34 figures. 2 tables. 1 plate (1:50,000). Digital PDF download. IS-37D

The project area is adjacent to the southern boundary of the existing Upper Black Squirrel Creek designated groundwater basin. It includes all of Sections 1 to 4 and 9 to 16, and the W V2 and W1/2 EV2 of section 21, T. 16 S., R. 63 W. This investigation focuses upon the unconfined alluvial aquifer which is the primary aquifer and in this area includes a buried channel. Other potential aquifers, such as the Dakota Sandstone and Pierre Shale, exist beneath the area, but none are capable of economically producing large amounts of water at high production rates. The Black Squirrel Creek is an intermittent stream: groundwater is the only water source in the project area.