OF-12-06 Geologic Map of the Leadville South Quadrangle OF-12-06 Geologic Map of the Leadville South Quadrangle, Lake County, Colorado
OF-12-02 Colorado Map of Potential Evaporite Dissolution and Evaporite Karst Subsidence Hazards (detail) OF-12-02 Colorado Map of Potential Evaporite Dissolution and Evaporite Karst Subsidence Hazards
OF-12-08 Geologic Map of the Minturn Quadrangle OF-12-08 Geologic Map of the Minturn Quadrangle, Eagle County, Colorado
OF-11-05 Lost Creek Basin Aquifer Recharge and Storage Study (detail) OF-11-05 Lost Creek Basin Aquifer Recharge and Storage Study
ENE-2011-01 Geothermometry of Thermal Springs in the Rico ENE-2011-01 Geothermometry of Thermal Springs in the Rico, Dunton, and West Fork Dolores River Areas, Dolores County, Colorado
OF-11-01 Notes on the Denver Basin Geologic Maps: Bedrock Geology OF-11-01 Notes on the Denver Basin Geologic Maps: Bedrock Geology, Structure, and Isopach Maps of Upper Cretaceous to Paleogene Strata between Greeley and Colorado Springs, Colorado
HAZ-2011-01 Preliminary Damage Report of the August 22 HAZ-2011-01 Preliminary Damage Report of the August 22, 2011 Mw 5.3 Earthquake near Trinidad, Colorado
WAT-2011-02 - Geologic Model of the Purgatoire River Watershed within the Raton Basin WAT-2011-02 Geologic Model of the Purgatoire River Watershed within the Raton Basin, Colorado
OF-11-02 Geology of Upper Cretaceous OF-11-02 Geology of Upper Cretaceous, Paleocene and Eocene Strata in the Southwestern Denver Basin, Colorado
OF-11-03 Cross-sections of the Fresh-water-bearing Strata of the Denver Basin between Greeley and Colorado Springs OF-11-03 Cross-sections of the Fresh-water-bearing Strata of the Denver Basin between Greeley and Colorado Springs, Colorado
WAT-2011-03 Coalbed Methane Stream Depletion Assessment Study Sand Wash Basin WAT-2011-03 Coalbed Methane Stream Depletion Assessment Study Sand Wash Basin, Colorado