B-28 Oil and Water Possibilities of Parts of Delta and Mesa Counties, Colorado Download Publication Details Oil and water possibilities of parts of Delta and Mesa counties, Colorado. 46 pages. 2 plates (1:125,000). 7 figures. Digital PDF download. B-28D Excerpt from the Introduction: The area covered by this report is immediately north of the city of Delta and the Gunnison River. It is part of a great synclinal basin that dips toward Grand Mesa and includes parts of Delta and Mesa counties. … At various times, efforts have been made by oil companies to obtain oil in the Gunnison River valley and surrounding territory. Very few companies employed: men having a knowledge of Geology, but went ahead blindly without any success. Some companies got no farther than making a survey of the land. The present survey was undertaken for the purpose of determining the oil, gas, and water possibilities of the area. The field work was begun in July, and completed in November, 1922. The field party consisted of H. J. Weeks, in charge, R. H. Durward and C. L. Mohr. Described are the geography, general geology (Triassic, Jurassic, Cretaceous, and Tertiary systems), the structural geology, oil and gas possibilities, fresh water possibilities, and economic resources. Citations Weeks, Herbert W. “Bulletin 28 - Oil and Water Possibilities of Parts of Delta and Mesa Counties, Colorado.” Oil and Water. Bulletin. Boulder, CO: Colorado Geological Survey, 1925. https://doi.org/10.58783/cgs.b28.oxdo7992. CGS Publications. https://coloradogeologicalsurvey.org/publications/oil-water-delta-mesa-colorado/.