SP-33 Landslide Loss Reduction: A Guide for State and Local Government Planning

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A guide for state and local government on reducing loss due to landslides. Includes types, causes, and losses of landslides; benefits of mitigation, hazard identification, assessment and mapping; use of communication; loss-reduction techniques; plan preparation and review; overcoming anticipated problems. 50 pages. 28 figures. 7 tables. Digital PDF download. SP-33D

As successfully demonstrated by a few state and local governments that have implemented programs at reasonable cost, dramatic landslide loss-reduction can be achieved. This guide, prepared by the State of Colorado for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), builds on prior work done by Colorado state and local governments in planning for and mitigating landslide losses.


Wold, Robert L., and Candace L. Jochim. “SP-33 Landslide Loss Reduction: A Guide For State and Local Government Planning.” Landslide Hazard. Special Publication. Denver, CO: Colorado Geological Survey, Department of Natural Resources, 1989. https://doi.org/10.58783/cgs.sp33.nxkc8836. CGS Publications. https://coloradogeologicalsurvey.org/publications/landslide-loss-reduction-state-local-government-planning/.
SP-33 Landslide Loss Reduction: A Guide for State and Local Government Planning
SP-33 Landslide Loss Reduction: A Guide for State and Local Government Planning


Hazards, Landslides