B-10 Geology and Ore Deposits of the Gold Brick District, Colorado Download Publication Details Geology and ore deposits of the Gold Brick district, Colorado. 116 pages. 9 plates (1:42,000). 4 figures. Digital PDF download. B-10D From the introduction: The Gold Brick mining district is in the eastern part of Gunnison County, Colorado, and west of the Continental Divide. The area covered by the present report — a little more than 0.65 square miles — includes the Gold Brick district and part of the Quartz Creek and Box Canyon mining districts. Practically all of the territory south of Quartz Creek shown on the accompanying maps is in the Box Canyon district. The Quartz Creek district is east of the watershed that separates the drainage basin of Armstrong Creek from the drainage basin of Gold Creek. The approximate position of the boundary line between the Quartz Creek and Gold Brick districts is shown on the map of mining claims. The topographic and geologic mapping of the Gold Brick mining district was accomplished in the summers of 1911 and 1912. This history of the mining district is accompanied by photographs of the area taken during the field work as well as other historic photographs. The report is organized into the following chapters: Introduction; Chapter I. Physiography; Chapter II. Outline of geologic history; Chapter III. Precambrian metamorphic rocks; Chapter IV. Igneous rocks; Chapter V. Paleozoic and Quaternary deposits; Chapter VI. Structural geology; and Chapter VII. Economic geology. Citations Crawford, R. D., and P. G. Worcester. “Bulletin 10 - Geology and Ore Deposits of the Gold Brick District, Colorado.” Geologic. Bulletin. Boulder, CO: Colorado Geological Survey, 1916. https://doi.org/10.58783/cgs.b10.smuw2972. CGS Publications. https://coloradogeologicalsurvey.org/publications/geology-ore-deposits-gold-brick-district-colorado/.