B-03 Geology and Ore Deposits of the Alma District, Park County, Colorado Download Publication Details Geology and Ore Deposits of the Alma District, Park County, Colorado, 1912 by H.B. Patton, A.J. Hoskin, and G. M. Butler. 284 pages. 29 plates. 6 figures. Digital PDF download. B-03D Excerpted from the report: The Alma mining district, which lies on the side of the Mosquito Range, is nearly opposite Leadville on the other side of the range. The area thus outlined embraces about fifty square miles, and measures approximately eight miles in a north-and-south and seven miles in an east-and-west direction. It embraces Mounts Lincoln and Bross, that rise to elevations of over 14,000 feet above sea-level; also the lower-lying London Mountain, Loveland Mountain and Pennsylvania Mountain; and the intervening Buckskin and Mosquito Gulches. Along the western line of the district, and forming prominent peaks on the crest of the Mosquito Range, are Mosquito Peak and Mount Democrat. Included in the report is the history of the mining district, details on individual mines, photographs of the area, and claims/mine maps. The field-work was done during the summers of 1910 and 1911. The report is organized into the following chapters: Chapter I. Introduction; Chapter II. Topographic field work; Chapter III. General geology and petrography; Chapter IV. Geologic description of individual areas; Chapter V. History of the mining industry in the Alma mining district; Chapter VI. Prominent mines in the Alma district; Chapter VII. Present-day placer operations; Chapter VIII. Ore deposits of London Mountain and Mosquito Gulch; and Chapter IX. Ore deposits north of Alma. Also included are three appendices: descriptions of ore and gangue minerals, an index to mining claims, and a bibliography. Citations George, R. D., Horace B. Patton, Arthur J. Hoskin, and G. Montague Butler. “Bulletin 03 - Geology and Ore Deposits of the Alma District, Park County, Colorado.” Geology and Mineral Resources. Bulletin. Denver, CO: Colorado State Geological Survey, 1912. Https://doi.org/10.58783/cgs.b03.jfwd8640. CGS Publications. https://coloradogeologicalsurvey.org/publications/geology-ore-deposits-alma-district-park/.