RS-40 Geology and Mineral Resources of Park County, Colorado Download Publication Details RS-40 describes the geological setting and depicts the various mineral and mineral fuel deposits of Park County. The report includes sections on stratigraphy, structural geology, mines and prospects, coal resources, petroleum resources, geothermal resources, areas of possible mineral potential, environmental geology, selected references, and additional reading. Includes PDF report and 1:100,000-scale geologic map and 1:100,000-scale mines and prospects map. Includes GIS files of the map (re-compiled in 2022 to USGS GeMS Level 2 standard). 92 pages. 15 figures. 21 tables. 2 plates (1:100,000). Digital ZIP/PDF download. RS-40D From the Introduction: This report reviews the geology of Park County and is a comprehensive compilation of all known mineral deposits, including base- and precious-metal, uranium, coal, oil, and gas. The report will be useful to prospectors, exploration companies, government agencies (especially county planners), and interested citizens. Various base- and precious-metal deposits mined from Park County are described herein, and examples are given for each deposit type. Detailed information on individual mines, including location, host rock, mine type, tonnage, grade, and ore controls, has been compiled from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) Mineral Resources Data System and is presented in two appendices. Descriptions of ore controls have been updated. Production statistics for both the county and individual districts and subdistricts have been compiled, but may be incomplete. Map plates include geologic and topographic maps at 1:100,000 scale, both show locations of all shafts and adits shown on topographic maps and in the MRDS data file. Citations Scarbrough, Jr., L. Alex. “RS-40 Geology and Mineral Resources of Park County, Colorado.” Geology and Mineral Resources. Resource Series. Denver, CO: Colorado Geological Survey, Division of Minerals and Geology, Department of Natural Resources, 2001. CGS Publications.