MI-12 Fluorspar Deposits in Colorado Download Publication Details Map showing fluorspar deposits in Colorado (with accompanying text). Most commercial fluorine is derived from the industrial commodity fluorspar (an ore) of which fluorite is the primary mineral. Economically significant fluorspar deposits usually contain at least 30 percent fluorite. This map subdivides the fluorspar deposits as major, important, and minor based on tonnage. Occurrences are included and are subdivided as to the ore type: veins, stockworks or pipes, or disseminations. The map also indicates associated metals or minerals in the mining district. The accompanying text provides a summary of the distribution, geochemical and geological environments, and production history of selected fluorspar occurrences, deposits, and districts as organized by county. 20 pages. 1 plate (1:500,000). Digital PDF download. MI-12D Citations Brady, Bruce T. “MI-12 Fluorspar Deposits in Colorado.” Fluospar. Miscellaneous Investigations. Denver, CO: Colorado Geological Survey, Department of Natural Resources and the U.S. Geological Survey, 1975. https://coloradogeologicalsurvey.org/publications/fluorspar-deposits-colorado-1975.