OF-15-13 Debris Flow Susceptibility Map of Larimer County, Colorado Download Publication Details The large?scale precipitation events between 11 and 14 September 2013 resulted in catastrophic flooding on the floors of existing stream and gulch valleys in Larimer County. In addition to the flooding within the 100?to 500?year floodplains, there were many upland flows that occurred well above and outside mapped floodplains. These types of flows are classified as earth flows and debris/mud flows, and, as geologic hazards, are specifically addressed in this report and the accompanying map coverage. Hydrologic flooding within main stream channels and their floodplains, rockfall, landslides, and other geologic hazards are not included. Digital ZIP download. OF-15-13D Citations Wait, T. C., Matthew L. Morgan, F. Scot Fitzgerald, K. S. Morgan, Karen A. Berry, and Jonathan L. White. “OF-15-13 Debris Flow Susceptibility Map of Larimer County, Colorado.” Geologic Hazards. Open File Reports. Golden, CO: Colorado Geological Survey, 2015. https://coloradogeologicalsurvey.org/publications/debris-flow-susceptibility-map-larimer-colorado.