IS-79 Colorado Mineral and Energy Industry Activities 2015-2016 Download Publication Details The CGS is pleased to continue publication of their annual Colorado Mineral and Energy Industry Activities reports. Following up on the 2014 report, this report, based on 2015 production data, sketches a comprehensive overview of Colorado’s mineral resource production. Of note is the fact that the total value of mineral and energy fuels production in Colorado for 2015 is estimated to be $13.43 billion, a 29% decline from the $18.8 billion production value in 2014. The decline was caused primarily by a precipitous decrease in oil and gas market prices which provide 70% of Colorado mineral resource revenue. Oil and gas production actually registered at all-time highs of 127.6 Mbbl and 1,709 Bcf, respectively. Nonfuel mineral productionincluding metals, industrial minerals, and construction materialsposted a modest 3.9% increase in revenue. Increased production of crushed stone, cement, and sand and gravel aggregate accounted for the increase. With a 2015 production of 21,790 metric tons of molybdenum from two mines, Colorado is the largest molybdenum producer in the U.S. Although just one mine in the state publicly reported gold production in 2015, Colorado remains the third largest producer of the metal in the U.S. as it was in 2014. 41 pages. Digital PDF download. IS-79D Citations Cappa, James A., Michael K. O’Keeffe, James R. Guilinger, and Karen A. Berry. “IS-79 Colorado Mineral and Energy Industry Activities 2015-2016.” Mineral and Energy Industry. Information Series. Golden, CO: Colorado Geological Survey, 2016. CGS Publications.