
IS-58 Colorado Coal Quality Data


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This report contains five separate databases, including a U.S. Bureau of Mines database (BMALYT), coal chemistry database (CHEMALYT), historic mines database (MINEALYT), a petrographic database (PETALYT), and a USALYT database. This information was collected as part of the National Coal Resources Data System verifying coal quality data. Digital ZIP download. IS-58D

From the report:

The BMALYT database contains standard American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and U.S. Bureau of Mines (USBM) and Energy Information Administration (EIA) chemical analyses from the early 1900’s through 1978.

The CHEMALYT database contains descriptive, geological, geographical and geochemical results for coal and associated rock samples analyzed for the major and minor-oxide and trace elements.

The MINEALYT database contains 787 proximate and some ultimate analyses collected from 365 mines and published in the 1937 USBM Technical Paper 574. This data collection includes samples from 1904 through 1937.

The PETALYT database contains petrographic analyses, including maceral analyses in white light, reflectance analyses, and v-types, on 454 samples of Colorado coal.

The USALYT database contains selected analyses, predominately of coal core samples, although some analyses of mine samples are included. The database began with cores sampled for coal gas content; later additional analyses were added. This database also contains data on core samples of carbonaceous shale and oil shale on which gas content (desorption) tests were run.