OF-09-01 Geologic Hazards Mapping Project of the Uncompahgre River Valley Area OF-09-01 Geologic Hazards Mapping Project of the Uncompahgre River Valley Area, Montrose County, Colorado
SP-52 Messages in Stone: Colorado's Colorful Geology (2nd Edition) SP-52 Messages in Stone: Colorado’s Colorful Geology (2nd Edition)
OF-08-03 Geologic Map of the Hoovers Corner Quadrangle OF-08-03 Geologic Map of the Hoovers Corner Quadrangle, Montrose County, Colorado
OF-08-02 Geologic Map of the Delta Quadrangle OF-08-02 Geologic Map of the Delta Quadrangle, Delta and Montrose Counties, Colorado
OF-07-02 Geologic Map of the Montrose East Quadrangle OF-07-02 Geologic Map of the Montrose East Quadrangle, Montrose County, Colorado
OF-07-01 Geologic Map of the Olathe Quadrangle OF-07-01 Geologic Map of the Olathe Quadrangle, Montrose County, Colorado
OF-95-01 1992-1993 Low Temperature Geothermal Assessment Program OF-95-01 1992-1993 Low Temperature Geothermal Assessment Program, Colorado
IS-25 Selected References on the Geology and Coal Resources of the Central and Western Colorado Coal Fields and Regions IS-25 Selected References on the Geology and Coal Resources of the Central and Western Colorado Coal Fields and Regions