OF-86-04 Surficial-Geologic and Slope Stability Study of the Douglas Pass Region OF-86-04 Surficial-Geologic and Slope Stability Study of the Douglas Pass Region, Colorado: Geomorphic Features Maps (Folio 3)
OF-83-04 Reconnaissance Geology and Geologic Hazards Maps of the Canon City 7.5-minute Quadrangle OF-83-04 Reconnaissance Geology and Geologic Hazards Maps of the Canon City 7.5-minute Quadrangle, Colorado
OF-83-05 Reconnaissance Geology and Geologic Hazards Maps of the Florence 7.5-minute Quadrangle OF-83-05 Reconnaissance Geology and Geologic Hazards Maps of the Florence 7.5-minute Quadrangle, Colorado
SP-12 Nature’s Building Codes: Geology and Construction in Colorado SP-12 Nature’s Building Codes: Geology and Construction in Colorado
EG-10 Geologic Hazards EG-10 Geologic Hazards, Geomorphic Features, and Land-Use Implications in the Area of the 1976 Big Thompson Flood, Larimer County, Colorado
EG-06 Environmental and Engineering Geology of the Windsor Study Area EG-06 Environmental and Engineering Geology of the Windsor Study Area, Larimer and Weld Counties, Colorado
EG-04 Engineering Geology Report for Planning District 9 EG-04 Engineering Geology Report for Planning District 9, Colorado
EG-03 Engineering Geology Report for Planning Districts 7 and 13 EG-03 Engineering Geology Report for Planning Districts 7 and 13, Colorado
EG-01 Geologic aspects EG-01 Geologic aspects, soils and related foundation problems, Denver metropolitan area, Colorado