OF-86-02 Surficial-Geologic and Slope Stability Study of the Douglas Pass Region, Colorado: Surficial Geologic Maps (Folio 1)

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Eleven plates and explanation sheet describing bedrock and unconsolidated geologic deposits in the vicinity of Douglas Pass and Baxter Pass, located in Rio Blanco and Garfield Counties. Covers: 1) Texas Mountain, 2) White Coyote Draw, 3) East Evacuation Creek, 4) Big Foundation Creek, 5) Brushy Point, 6) Baxter Pass, 7) Douglas Pass, 8) Calf Canyon, 9) Henderson Ridge, 10) Garvey Canyon, and 11) Middle Dry Fork. 12 plates (1:24,000). Digital PDF download. OF-86-02D

The maps produced were intended to provide information useful in planning and evaluation possible future major relocations of highways, pipelines, and related structures. Mapping was accomplished using aerial photographic interpretation techniques in conjunction with field mapping of keys areas conducted in the summer of 1985. Emphasis was on the surficial geologic deposits and processes and their potential impact on human works. Active landsliding and slope failures are continuing to occur throughout the study area. Aerial photographs were taken in 1978-1979, thus mapping would not show later landslide activities.

This information, as well as that from OF-86-03 (Folio 2) and OF-86-04 (Folio 3), are included on a 1:500,000 plate in MS-27 Surficial Geology and Geologic Hazards of the Douglas Pass-Baxter Region, Rio Blanco and Garfield Counties, Colorado, published in 1992.


Stover, Bruce K. “OF-86-02 Surficial-Geologic and Slope Stability Study of the Douglas Pass Region: Folio #1 Surficial Geology.” Surface Geologic. Open File Report. Denver. CO: Colorado Geological Survey, Department of Natural Resources, 1986. https://doi.org/10.58783/cgs.of8602.axtb7142. CGS Publications. https://coloradogeologicalsurvey.org/publications/surficial-geologic-maps-slope-stability-douglas-pass-region-colorado-1/.
OF-86-02 Surficial-Geologic and Slope Stability Study of the Douglas Pass Region
OF-86-02 Surficial-Geologic and Slope Stability Study of the Douglas Pass Region