
IS-47 Geologic Hazards Avoidance or Mitigation: A Comprehensive Guide to State Statutes, Land Use Issues and Professional Practice in Colorado


Overview of current issues surrounding land use and geologic hazards; Colorado land-use and planning regulations; local government authority and requirements; consumer protection legislation; additional statutory requirements addressing natural hazards; responsibilities of practitioners and professional associations; role of CGS; perspectives and goals; Colorado land-use trends and geologic hazard problems; selected portions of CGS publication SP-06; materials on fields of expertise, professional practice, and CGS land-use statements. 186 pages. 8 appendices. Digital PDF download. IS-47D

From the report:

The 1990s brought renewed interest in land-use planning and development issues that in many ways mirror the 1960s and 1970s. Efforts made then resulted in many statutes that remain in effect. However, differences between the original legislated intent and what has actually occurred have resulted in a legal structure that is difficult to understand, discuss, and practice. This publication is a reference guide to provide history, information, and perspectives relative to the established foundation. It is intended to inspire new thought regarding old topics and to raise more questions than it answers as a challenge to each individual to broaden their own perspectives.