IS-71 Colorado Coal Directory, 2005

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Provides the most recent information available on 15 active, recently active and potentially active coal mines. Contains information on each mine’s location, operating company, mine type, geology, coal quality, coal production, and distribution. Includes 1:1,000,000 scale map that depicts the distribution paths of coal throughout Colorado and contains information about coal production for 2004. Digital PDF download. IS-71D

Excerpt from the Introduction:

Coal is produced in eight counties statewide: Delta, Gunnison, La Plata, Garfield, Moffat, Montrose, Rio Blanco, and Routt. Most of the coal is produced in the Uinta Coal Region, which extends from Moffat to Gunnison counties. Cumulatively, over 1.24 billion tons of coal have been mined in Colorado between 1864 and 2004.

In the five years since the last directory (Information Series IS-55) was published Colorado coal production has increased by 33 percent. In 1999, the 30-million-ton/year level was first achieved, and by 2004 the 40-million-ton/year level was reached. Coal mines in Colorado have set annual production records for eight of the last nine years, and Colorado ranks sixth nationally among coal producing states.


Carroll, Christopher J. “IS-71 Colorado Coal Directory, 2005, Includes Map of Coal Production and Distribution with Statistics on Electric Generation and Fuel Consumption.” Coal Resources. Information Series. Denver, CO: Colorado Geological Survey, Division of Minerals and Geology, Department of Natural Resources, 2005. CGS Publications.