Pierre Shale (gray) exposed along St. Vrain Creek in Weld County General, Geology, Publications March 16, 2022 Recent reports published OF-20-11 Alkaline Complexes of the Wet Mountains Area, Colorado: A Geological Summary, Bibliography, and Data Compilation of Critical Mineral Laboratory Results — With renewed interest in critical minerals driven by global demand and consequent shortages, the CGS funded a compilation of historical sample results and a…
Looking northwest to Hells Kitchen from Ekkert General, Geology, Publications April 26, 2021 Recent STATEMAP quadrangles The CGS actively participates in the STATEMAP portion of the US Geological Survey’s National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program (NCGMP), a nation-wide effort to generate comprehensive…
A uranium-rich zone in a sandstone of the Morrison Formation, Carnation Mine, San Miguel County, CO, January 2007. Photo credit: Chris Carroll (CGS). Energy, Minerals February 19, 2020 Colorado’s Uranium Deposits [Ed: this document, written in 2011 by Jim Burnell, Ph.D., P.G. (former Senior Minerals Geologist, Colorado Geological Survey), provides an excellent narrative on the sources of uranium deposits on the Western Slope of Colorado. However, it’s not the whole story—there is fascinating new science research implicating biological/organismic activity underground that…