Excerpt drone shot from Dr. Christian Shorey's "Earth Explorations" vlog. General, Geology July 27, 2022 Earth Explorations vlog/podcasts Dr. Christian Shorey—Teaching Professor of Environmental Science and Climatology in the Geology and Geological Engineering Department at Mines—jumped into a social media experiment with the Earth and Environmental Systems Podcast in 2008. After producing more that 60 audio episodes he segued to the…
Hazards March 13, 2013 The Science of Sinkholes This video, from the U.S. Geological Survey, explores the geological factors behind sinkholes and the related science. Narrated by Randall Orndorff, the Director of the USGS Eastern Geology and Paleoclimate Science Center.
Boulder oil field, 1915. Photo credit: C. L. McClure and the Denver Public Library. General, Geology March 29, 1907 Concerns about the new survey Regarding the Colorado Geological Survey (an article appearing in the Mining Reporter, March 1907): We note that one of our contemporaries, in recently commenting on the University bill creating a State Geological Survey of Colorado — the bill reported favorably on by the joint Senate and House mining committee —…