OF-22-16D Digital Compilation of Surficial and Bedrock Geology of the Montrose 30x60 Minute Quadrangle
OF-22-16D Digital Compilation of Surficial and Bedrock Geology of the Montrose 30x60 Minute Quadrangle

General, Geology, Publications

New Colorado 30×60 minute quadrangle datasets

Underwritten with special supplemental funding though the US Geological Survey (USGS) STATEMAP Program, we digitized, re-compiled, and quality-controlled several previously-published 30×60-minute geologic map quadrangles as GIS data packages. In addition to the information the original 1:100,000-scale maps, data from more recent 1:24,000-scale (7.5 minute) CGS quadrangle mapping was merged…

Detail from one of over 600 Denver Basin geophysical and lithological logs included in the ON-OF-78-08M digitization project. Photo credit: Colorado Geological Survey.
Detail from one of over 600 Denver Basin geophysical and lithological logs included in the ON-OF-78-08M digitization project. Photo credit: Colorado Geological Survey.

Geology, Minerals, Publications

New GIS data and maps

For those of you who are subscribers to the CGS announcement list, we want to direct your attention to a handful of new maps and recently digitized analog data sets that we haven’t otherwise publicized. These include several important online GIS maps and downloadable data packages:…