Large 700-series Caterpillar mine hauling trucks at the Holcim Portland Cement plant in Florence Energy, General, Minerals, Publications April 13, 2023 IS-85 Colorado Mineral and Energy Industry Activities 2021-2022 The current annual Colorado Mineral and Energy Industry Activities report for 2021-22 is now available. Following up on the 2020-21 report, this report is based on 2021 production data with additional reported news from 2022. It provides a comprehensive snapshot of Colorado’s mineral resource…
Avalanche snow with disturbed vegetation in runout zone. Photo credit: Colorado Geological Survey.|SP-39 The Snowy Torrents: Figure 12. Accident 81-21 Hazards, Publications February 9, 2021 The Snowy Torrents Here in Colorado, avalanche season is not over yet, and it’s been another deadly one with 26 fatalities so far in the US, six in the state. In that light, we thought we would re-release a publication that highlights at least one challenging aspect of Colorado snowfall — that is,…
Slice of a pallasite meteorite Geology February 10, 2020 DMNS Meteorite Collection The Meteorite Collection of the Denver Museum of Nature & Science publication
Uranium roll front hosted in Dakota Sandstone Energy, Minerals August 14, 2018 Geology of Uranium Deposits in Colorado Uranium is a widespread and ubiquitous element. It has a crustal abundance of 2.8 parts per million, slightly more than tin. Primary deposits of uranium tend to concentrate in granitic or alkalic volcanic rocks, hydrothermal veins, marine black shales, and early Precambrian age placer deposits. Secondary (or epigenetic) deposits of…
Soil arch in Qamf deposit, Loutzenhizer Arroyo. Piping cave/soil arch in Qamf deposit, Loutzenhizer Arroyo, Delta County, Colorado, April 2007. Photo credit: David Noe (CGS). Hazards July 12, 2018 Collapsible Soils By Jonathan White, Senior Engineering Geologist, Emeritus At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th Century, some of the first settlers of the plateau region of western Colorado along the Colorado River, and the Uncompahgre and North Fork of…
West Salt Creek rock avalanche viewed from the air General, Hazards, Publications May 16, 2017 AASG 2017 John C. Frye Memorial Award for CGS publication The Association of American State Geologists announced that their annual John C. Frye Memorial Award for 2017 is granted to the CGS and the staff members who authored the report The West Salt Creek Landslide: A Catastrophic Rockslide…
IS-79 Colorado Mineral and Energy Industry Activities 2015-2016 Energy, Minerals, Publications February 18, 2017 IS-79 Colorado Mineral and Energy Industry Activities 2015-16 The current annual Colorado Mineral and Energy Industry Activities report 2015-16 is now available. Following up on the 2014 report, this report, based on 2015 production data, sketches a comprehensive overview of Colorado’s mineral resource production. Of note is the fact that total value of…
The gas well pad near the terminus of the West Salt Creek rock avalanche (flow direction right to left) Hazards, Publications January 23, 2017 Top-Ten paper at GSA On May 25, 2014 the longest landslide in Colorado’s historical record occurred in west-central Colorado, six miles (10 km) southeast of the small town of Collbran in Mesa County, taking the lives of three local men. The landslide was 2.8 miles (4.5 km) long, covering almost a square mile (2.6 km2) of the West Salt…
Boulder oil field, 1915. Photo credit: C. L. McClure and the Denver Public Library. General, Geology March 29, 1907 Concerns about the new survey Regarding the Colorado Geological Survey (an article appearing in the Mining Reporter, March 1907): We note that one of our contemporaries, in recently commenting on the University bill creating a State Geological Survey of Colorado — the bill reported favorably on by the joint Senate and House mining committee —…