
EG-08 Roaring Fork and Crystal Valleys: An Environmental and Engineering Geology Study, Eagle, Garfield, Gunnison, and Pitkin Counties, Colorado


Describes stratigraphic units of the Roaring Fork and Crystal Valleys, Eagle, Garfield, Gunnison, and Pitkin Counties and their engineering-geologic characteristics. Includes summary of groundwater and mineral resources; glossary; water-well data; colored geologic, geologic-constraints, and groundwater/geologic resources maps. 64 pages. 3 figures. 3 plates (1:48,000). Digital PDF download. EG-08D

Excerpted from the report:

An environmental and engineering geology study has been made of the Roaring Fork and Crystal Valleys. The 300 square mile study area encompasses parts of four counties (Eagle, Garfield, Gunnison, and Pitkin) in west central Colorado. The purpose of the study was to compile sufficient information to prepare comprehensive maps (Plates 1-3) and text concerning the environmental and engineering geologic characteristics of the Roaring Fork Valley, from Glenwood Springs to Aspen, and the Crystal Valley, from Carbondale to the vicinity of Marble, Colorado. Report sections include: Introduction; Environmental and Engineering Geology (with detailed discussion of the surficial and bedrock geology); Groundwater and geologic resources; and Conclusions. Also included are four appendices.