ON-OF-78-08M Select geological logs associated with coal resources, Denver and Cheyenne Basins, Colorado


We recently digitized and created a GIS map to access an important analog dataset associated with a 1978 CGS publication OF-78-08 Location Map of Drill Holes Used for Coal Evaluation in the Denver and Cheyenne Basins, Colorado. This GIS map includes high-resolution digital scans of most of the well and lithology logs that appear on that 1978 map. This is not a downloadable GIS dataset, although the logs themselves are individually accessible as jpg/pdf downloads. ON-OF-78-08M

To the GIS map: ON-OF-78-08M Select geological logs associated with coal resources, Denver and Cheyenne Basins, Colorado

General Project Description:

The CGS retained original paper copies of geophysical and detailed lithological logs from about 500 borings completed in the Denver and Cheyenne Basins during (third party) coal exploration activities in the 1960s. These paper logs were saved in the most recent CGS office move but may be disposed of in the near future. The approximate locations of these borings are included on the original CGS map publication OF-78-08 Location Map of Drill Holes Used for Coal Evaluation in the Denver and Cheyenne Basins, Colorado. Many borings were completed in areas with potential mineral and groundwater resources. The CGS uses this information for geologic mapping, mineral and groundwater resource evaluations, and for land-use reviews. The logs were scanned and assigned location coordinates based on the OF-78-08 map. Download links to the scanned log files are provided in this online map. At this time, logs were not available for every location on the map. However, as additional logs are discovered, they will be included in this project. The digitization of these logs and maps took place during the summer of 2020, and was funded by a U.S. Geological Survey National Geological and Geophysical Data Preservation Program (NGGDPP) grant with matching funds provided by the CGS.


Broes, Lauren D., Asha Mahatma, M. Z. Che Zabri, Michael K. O’Keeffe, and John C. Hopkins. “ON-OF-78-08 Select geological logs associated with coal resources, Denver and Cheyenne Basins, Colorado (See OF-78-08).” Well Log. Golden, CO: Colorado Geological Survey, 2020. https://coloradogeologicalsurvey.org/publications/map-well-logs-denver-cheyenne-basin-colorado. Originally by Kirkham, Robert M. “OF-78-08 Location Map of Drill Holes Used for Coal Evaluation in the Denver and Cheyenne Basins, Colorado.” Coal Resources. Open File Report. Denver. CO: Colorado Geological Survey, Department of Natural Resources, 1978. https://coloradogeologicalsurvey.org/publications/location-map-drill-holes-coal-evaluation-denver-cheyenne-basins-colorado.
OF-78-08 Location Map of Drill Holes Used for Coal Evaluation in the Denver and Cheyenne Basins
OF-78-08 Location Map of Drill Holes Used for Coal Evaluation in the Denver and Cheyenne Basins