WAT-1985-01 Preliminary Ground Water Investigations of Division of Wildlife Fish Hatcheries

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This report identifies potential groundwater sources at twelve Colorado Division of Wildlife fish-rearing units with estimates of the expected depth to water, potent1al yield, and water quality. 100 pages. Digital PDF download. WAT-1985-01D

From the Introduction

The data gathered, compiled, and interpreted for the study has been largely limited to existing information. The principal sources of this information were: 1} the registered well permits and records on file at the Division of Water Resources, 2) the geologic literature; primarily maps and open file reports, 3} prior studies conducted by this office, 4} water quality information from the computerized Storet data base maintained by the Denver Region EPA, and 5} a very brief field reconnaissance of the twelve sites. This information was integrated and interpreted to produce the recommendations given for each unit. The geology as interpreted from the literature was compared with driller’s logs from the registered well records. This process required discretion due to the lack of geological knowledge and non-standard terminology of most drillers. However, even with these limitations, we believe that a useful approximation of subsurface conditions at each hatchery location is described in the report. Recognizing that some of the compiled data is incomplete or inaccurate, we wish to underscore the point that this report can only be an approximation of hydrogeological conditions at the respective units.

It should be emphasized that geology is fundamentally a field science, and very little site-specific field work has been conducted as yet. The logical next step for many of these locations would be the initiation of more detailed field geologic mapping. In addition to mapping, other techniques could be employed to increase the probability of success of any planned expansion activities. These techniques would include reconnaissance by remote sensing techniques such as color infra-red photography for the identification of seeps and springs, and air photo interpretation for structural and geomorphological assessment. In addition, some sites are prime candidates for geophysical investigations. Geophysics can often assist in identifying • aquifer properties, especially saturated thickness. Even though detailed studies in advance of drilling would involve the expenditure of additional money, they can be very cost effective. Such exploration can result in unsuccessful wells, lower development cost, and more productive wells.


Jochim, Candace L., and William Wright. “WAT-1985-01 Preliminary Ground Water Investigations of Division of Wildlife Fish Hatcheries.” Groundwater. Denver, CO: Colorado Geological Survey, Department of Natural Resources, 1985. https://doi.org/10.58783/cgs.wat198501.zqos9391. CGS Publications. https://coloradogeologicalsurvey.org/publications/groundwater-investigation-colorado-fish-hatcheries/.
WAT-1985-01 Preliminary Ground Water Investigations of Division of Wildlife Fish Hatcheries
WAT-1985-01 Preliminary Ground Water Investigations of Division of Wildlife Fish Hatcheries