OF-96-04-09 Geology of the Western San Juan Mountains and a Tour of the San Juan Skyway, Southwestern Colorado Download Publication Details Field trip no. 9 from “Geologic Excursions to the Rocky Mountains and Beyond,” field trip guidebook of the 1996 Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America. (SP-44 has the complete set.) 8 pages. Digital PDF download. OF-96-04-09D From the Introduction: This road log is a modified and much abridged version taken from the book Western San Juan Mountains: Their Geology, Ecology and Human History, by Rob Blair (ed) published by the University Press of Colorado, 1996. This log follows a 235 mile paved loop (San Juan Skyway) which begins and ends in Durango, Colorado. The trip can be done in a long day, but if one wishes to see and feel the mountains and their geology then two days is recommended. Taken as two days, the field trip guide is divided up as Day 1 – Durango to Ouray and Day 2 – Ouray to Durango. Citations Blair, Rob. “OF-96-04-09 Geology of the Western San Juan Mountains and A Tour of the San Juan Skyway, Southwestern Colorado.” Fieldtrip. Open File Report. Denver, CO: Colorado Geological Survey, Division of Minerals and Geology, Department of Natural Resources, 1996.