OF-14-01 Geologic Map of the Cabin Gulch Quadrangle, Elbert County, Colorado Download Publication Details The purpose of this report is to map and describe the geologic setting, structure, geologic hazards, and mineral and ground-water resources of this 7.5-minute quadrangle located south of the Denver metro area in east-central Colorado. This quadrangle is covered predominately by sand deposits of eolian or alluvial origin which have Holocene to upper Pleistocene ages. The exposed bedrock consists predominately of the Paleocene to Eocene Dawson Arkose of the Denver Basin. CGS geologists Matthew L. Morgan completed the field work on this project during the spring and summer of 2011. This mapping project was funded jointly by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and CGS. USGS funding comes from the STATEMAP component of the National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program, award number G11AC20250, authorized by the National Geologic Mapping Act of 1997, reauthorized in 2009. CGS matching funding comes from the Colorado Department of Natural Resources Severance Tax Operational Funds, from severance taxes paid on the production of natural gas, oil, coal, and metals in Colorado. 2 plates: map, cross section, and 3-D oblique view. Also included are GIS data. Digital PDF/GIS/ZIP download. OF-14-01D Citations Morgan, Matthew L. “OF-14-01 Geologic Map of the Cabin Gulch Quadrangle, Elbert County, Colorado.” Geologic. Open File Reports. Golden, CO: Colorado Geological Survey, 2014. https://coloradogeologicalsurvey.org/publications/geologic-map-cabin-gulch-quadrangle-elbert-colorado.