OF-78-12 Geologic Hazards, North Fork Gunnison River Valley, Delta and Gunnison Counties, Colorado Download Publication Details In 1978, it was believed that the valley along the North Fork Gunnison River from Hotchkiss to Paonia Reservoir would be likely to experience rapid population growth associated with coal mining activities. This study of geologic conditions was conducted to aid planning. Plates 1 thru 7 (1:24,000) include geological hazard maps for six quadrangles: Gray Reservoir (Plate 1), Bowie (Plate 2), Somerset (Plate 3), Paonia Reservoir (Plate 4), Hotchkiss (Plate 5), and Paonia (Plate 6). Plate 7 is an explanation of map units. Digital PDF download. OF-78-12D Citations Junge, Walter R. “OF-78-12 Geologic Hazards Hotchkiss-Paonia Reservoir Area Delta and Gunnison Counties, Colorado.” Geologic Hazards, 1:24,000. Open File Report. Denver. CO: Colorado Geological Survey, Department of Natural Resources, 1978. https://doi.org/10.58783/cgs.of7812.purm7020. CGS Publications. https://coloradogeologicalsurvey.org/publications/geologic-hazards-north-fork-gunnison-river-valley-delta-gunnison-colorado/.