B-00 CGS First Report 1908 Download Publication Details Colorado Geological Survey First Report, 1908, with accompanying Papers. Dated 1909 by R.D. George. 243 pages, plus 4 maps. 22 plates. Digital PDF download. B-00D This historical report documents the official creation of the Colorado Geological Survey in 1907 as well as field work completed in 1908. Excerpt from the report: The field work completed during the season in 1908, included: 1. An area of 110 square miles about Hahn’s Peak, Routt County, has been mapped on a scale of one inch to the mile. 2. The Boulder County Tungsten Field, 90 square miles, has been mapped on a scale of one inch to the mile. 3. The sedimentary formations flanking the foothills have been studied and mapped from the Wyoming line southward for 75 miles, to connect up with detailed work done by the U.S. Geological Survey further south, and complete the strip across the state. This work was done to determine the age of the formations preparatory to publishing the geological map, and as a basis for a study of the economic deposits, such as clays, cement materials and building stones. 4. The Montezuma area in Summit County, 22 miles, has been mapped in detail, both topographically and geologically. Documented in this report: the assembling of a library of over 600 volumes for freight cost alone ($10.00!); the beginnings of a bibliography of more than 5,000 entries; the mapping of the various metalliferous deposits of the state; correspondence efforts related to 1,200 letters bearing on the geology and mineral resources of the state; and the state of other projects to be published later in various bulletins. The report includes: “The Main Tungsten Area of Boulder County Colorado by R.D. George With Notes on the Intrusive Rocks by R. D. Crawford” (98 pages); “The Montezuma Mining District of Summit County Colorado” by H.B. Patton (39 pages); “The Foothills Formations of North Central Colorado” by J. Henderson (43 pages); “The Hahn’s Peak Region, Routt County Colorado, an Outline Survey” by R.D. George and R.D. Crawford (40 pages). Each of these includes an accompanying geologic map, and some also include photographs. Citations George, R. D. “Bulletin 00 - First Report, 1908.” Bulletin. Denver, CO: Colorado State Geological Survey, 1909. https://doi.org/10.58783/cgs.b00.vesr7807. CGS Publications. https://coloradogeologicalsurvey.org/publications/first-report-1908/.