B-12 Common Minerals and Rocks: Their Occurrence and Uses (1917)

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Common minerals and rocks-their occurrence and uses. 463 pages. 1 plate. 55 figures. 5 tables. 1917. Digital PDF download. B-12D

Excerpted from the Preface:

The main purpose of this bulletin is to describe the commoner minerals and rocks, and furnish the means of recognizing them and knowing their uses. Many valuable geological materials lie unused for want of knowledge of what they are and how they may be used. It is hoped that it will stimulate an interest in, and a search for, valuable geological products.

The report is organized into the following sections: Materials of the earth and properties of minerals; Rock-making minerals; Non-metallic minerals and their uses; Gem minerals and semi-precious stones; Metallic minerals; Characteristic reactions of important elements; Important minerals grouped by color; The common rocks; The materials of cements, limes, plasters; Clays and their uses; and Materials classified by uses.

Bulletin B-12 supersedes B-06 Common Minerals and Rocks Their Occurrence and Uses, which has the same sections headings but less detail.


George, R. D. “Bulletin 12 - Common Minerals and Rocks - Their Occurrence and Uses.” Mineralogical. Bulletin. Boulder, CO: Colorado Geological Survey, 1917. Https://doi.org/10.58783/cgs.b12.hntl2601. CGS Publications. https://coloradogeologicalsurvey.org/publications/common-minerals-rocks-occurrence-uses-1917/.
B-12 Common Minerals and Rocks: Their Occurrence and Uses
B-12 Common Minerals and Rocks: Their Occurrence and Uses

