MI-66 Colorado Rockfall Simulation Program, Version 4.0 Download Publication Details The Colorado Rockfall Simulation Program (CRSP) was developed to model rockfall behavior and provide a statistical analysis of probable rockfall events at any given site. Version 4.0 is used for Windows 95, 98, and NT systems and includes: introduction, previous work and background, methods, results, discussion of results, conclusions, recommendations, use of the CRSP program, references, appendix. 61 figures. 8 tables. 127 pages. Digital ZIP download. MI-66D Tips for working with Windows 7: 1. When installing try right clicking and choosing “Run as Administrator” 2. When using the installed .exe, right click on the .exe and choose “properties”, then choose the “Compatibility” tab, then click the tabs “Run this program in compatibility mode for: Windows XP (Service Pack 3)”, and also choose the “Run this program as an Administrator”. You should only have to do this once and from then on you will only need to double click on the CRSP icon. Aside from these suggestions we offer no further support, which is why we are now making it free. We realize that while this is still a useful program, it’s reaching the end of its Windows operating system life-cycle. Citations Jones, Christopher L., Jerry D. Higgins, and Richard D. Andrew. “MI-66 Colorado Rockfall Simulation Program, Version 4.0.” Rockfall Simulation Program. Miscellaneous MI-66. Denver, CO: Colorado Geological Survey, Division of Minerals and Geology, Department of Natural Resources, March 2000. https://coloradogeologicalsurvey.org/publications/colorado-rockfall-simulation-program.