Shows the geologic hazards of the Upper Crystal River Area, Gunnison County. Includes explanation of map units. 2 plates (1:24,000). Digital PDF download. OF-78-11D
The upper Crystal River area is that part of the Crystal River valley in the Marble 7.5 minute quadrangle, and includes the Yule Creek, Lost Trail creek, Carbonate Creek, and Slate creek drainages. Potentially hazardous geologic conditions in this area are related to normal dynamic processes such as transportation and deposition of material by water (fluvial processes) and by mass wasting (gravity related processes).
The entire upper Crystal River area generally is susceptible to a number of geologic conditions that could influence the feasibility or design of building foundations or on-lot septic systems. Only the most severe geologic conditions are shown on the map. Additional non-mapped conditions include high groundwater levels, expansive soils, and shallow bedrock.