
RS-38 Availability of Coal Resources in Colorado: Somerset Coal Field, West-Central Colorado


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Describes the amount of coal that is actually available for mining in the Somerset Coal Field of Gunnison and Delta counties. Includes background and purpose of study, location and physiographic setting, geology of Somerset Coal Field and surrounding area, coal mining information, coal quality information, restrictions of coal availability, preparation of data for resource calculations, computer techniques, results, comparison to other coal availability studies, comparison to previous coal resources, summary, and selected references. The staff of the Mineral Resources and Geological Mapping Section of the CGS and DST & Associates, a consulting firm, performed the work from September 1998 to September 1999. The objective of this publication is to provide geological information to resource developers, government planners, and interested citizens. 84 pages. 29 figures. 9 tables. Appendix. Digital PDF download. RS-38D