OF-84-01 Bibliography of Coal Resources, Uinta Coal Region, Colorado

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This bibliography covering the Uinta Coal Region through 1984 is a companion report to OF-83-01 which covers the San Juan River coal region through 1981. Other earlier coal bibliographies by the CGS, which cover all of Colorado, include bulletins B-34-A (through 1971) and B-41 (1972-1977). Note that supplemental B-41 includes a number of pre-1972 references that are not listed in B-34-A, but were discovered later. These bibliographies were later compiled (with revision) into Information Series IS-25, published in 1988. 32 pages. Digital PDF download. OF-84-01D


Rushworth, Peter. “OF-84-01 Bibliography Coal Resources Uinta Coal Region, Colorado.” Open File Report. Denver. CO: Colorado Geological Survey, Department of Natural Resources, 1984. https://doi.org/10.58783/cgs.of8401.exxn3443. CGS Publications. https://coloradogeologicalsurvey.org/publications/bibliography-coal-resources-uinta-region-colorado/.
OF-84-01 Bibliography of Coal Resources
OF-84-01 Bibliography of Coal Resources


Coal, Energy