MI-21 Oil Map of Colorado Download Publication Details Map of Colorado showing proved oil fields, oil shale deposits, location of anticlinal structures, oil and gas seeps, and other indications of oil and gas. This is the first in a series of map of the oil and gas fields of Colorado, showing the now-historic discoveries at the time. While the main focus is oil, also included are locations of gas seeps or springs, and gas in wells. Subsequent CGS publications showing oil and gas fields were published in 1983 (MS-22), 1991 (MS-26), and 1998 (MS-33). Related publications with statistical data associated with oil and gas fields include IS-03 (1976), IS-18 (1981), and IS-50 (1996). 1 plate (1:1,000,00). Digital PDF download. MI-21D Citations George, R. D. “MI-21 Oil Map of Colorado (Showing the Proved Oil Fields, Oil Shale Deposits, Location of Anticlinal Structures, Oil & Gas Seepages, and Ther Indications of Oil & Gas).” Oil. Miscellaneous Investigations. Boulder, CO: Colorado State Geological Survey, 1925. https://coloradogeologicalsurvey.org/publications//oil-map-colorado.