HAZ-2021-01 Post-wildfire Mudslides and Debris Flows (detail) HAZ-2021-01 Post-wildfire Hazards: Mud Slides :: Debris Flows
OF-15-11 Geology and Groundwater Resources of Park County OF-15-11 Geology and Groundwater Resources of Park County, Colorado
OF-14-02 Foothill and Mountainous Regions in Boulder County OF-14-02 Foothill and Mountainous Regions in Boulder County, Colorado Susceptible to Earth and Debris/Mud Flows During Extreme Precipitation Events
MS-49 Geologic Map and Coal Bed Stratigraphy MS-49 Geologic Map and Coal Bed Stratigraphy, Fruitland Formation, Western Archuleta County, Colorado
SP-46 Geology of the 1994 South Canyon Fire Area SP-46 Geology of the 1994 South Canyon Fire Area, and a Geomorphic Analysis of the September 1, 1994 Debris Flows, South Flank of Storm King Mountain, Glenwood Springs, Colorado
IS-26 Reconnaissance Study of Coal Fires in Inactive Colorado Coal Mines IS-26 Reconnaissance Study of Coal Fires in Inactive Colorado Coal Mines
HAZ-1983-01 Preliminary Evaluation of Rockfall Hazard in the Booth Creek Area HAZ-1983-01 Preliminary Evaluation of Rockfall Hazard in the Booth Creek Area