MS-48 Oil and Gas Wells in Areas of Colorado with Superior Geothermal Properties (detail) MS-48 Oil and Gas Wells in Areas of Colorado with Superior Geothermal Properties
OF-81-08 Geophysical Logs from the 1981 Water Well Logging Program OF-81-08 Geophysical Logs from the 1981 Water Well Logging Program, Castle Rock (1/2° x 1°) Quadrangle
IS-12 Hydrogeologic and Stratigraphic Data Pertinent to Uranium Mining IS-12 Hydrogeologic and Stratigraphic Data Pertinent to Uranium Mining, Cheyenne Basin, Colorado
IS-04 Map Showing Thermal Springs IS-04 Map Showing Thermal Springs, Wells, and Heat-Flow contours in Colorado
MIN-1936-01 Annotated Catalogue of Unpublished Engineering and Geological Reports on Mineral Resources of Colorado MIN-1936-01 Annotated Catalogue of Unpublished Engineering and Geological Reports on Mineral Resources of Colorado