OF-18-07 Landslide Inventory and Susceptibility for Douglas County OF-18-07 Landslide Inventory and Susceptibility for Douglas County, Colorado
B-55 The West Salt Creek Landslide: A Catastrophic Rockslide and Rock/Debris Avalanche in Mesa County B-55 The West Salt Creek Landslide: A Catastrophic Rockslide and Rock/Debris Avalanche in Mesa County, Colorado
OF-15-13 Debris Flow Susceptibility Map of Larimer County OF-15-13 Debris Flow Susceptibility Map of Larimer County, Colorado
IS-23 Results of a Search for Felt Reports for Selected Colorado Earthquakes IS-23 Results of a Search for Felt Reports for Selected Colorado Earthquakes
MS-27 Surficial Geology and Geologic Hazards of the Douglas Pass-Baxter Region MS-27 Surficial Geology and Geologic Hazards of the Douglas Pass-Baxter Region, Rio Blanco and Garfield Counties, Colorado
MS-29 Map Showing Potential Metal-Mine Drainage Hazards in Colorado MS-29 Map Showing Potential Metal-Mine Drainage Hazards in Colorado, Based on Mineral-Deposit Geology
SP-28 Contributions to Colorado Seismicity and Tectonics: A 1986 Update SP-28 Contributions to Colorado Seismicity and Tectonics: A 1986 Update
SP-31 Proceedings of the 1985 Conference on Coal Mine Subsidence in the Rocky Mountain Region SP-31 Proceedings of the 1985 Conference on Coal Mine Subsidence in the Rocky Mountain Region
OF-14-13 Geologic hazards derivative map of the Whitewater quadrangle OF-14-13 Geologic hazards derivative map of the Whitewater quadrangle, Mesa County, Colorado
OF-14-02 Foothill and Mountainous Regions in Boulder County OF-14-02 Foothill and Mountainous Regions in Boulder County, Colorado Susceptible to Earth and Debris/Mud Flows During Extreme Precipitation Events