MS-21 Groundwater Temperatures Map of Colorado (detail) MS-21 Groundwater Temperatures Map of Colorado
OF-11-05 Lost Creek Basin Aquifer Recharge and Storage Study (detail) OF-11-05 Lost Creek Basin Aquifer Recharge and Storage Study
ENE-2011-01 Geothermometry of Thermal Springs in the Rico ENE-2011-01 Geothermometry of Thermal Springs in the Rico, Dunton, and West Fork Dolores River Areas, Dolores County, Colorado
WAT-2011-02 - Geologic Model of the Purgatoire River Watershed within the Raton Basin WAT-2011-02 Geologic Model of the Purgatoire River Watershed within the Raton Basin, Colorado
OF-11-02 Geology of Upper Cretaceous OF-11-02 Geology of Upper Cretaceous, Paleocene and Eocene Strata in the Southwestern Denver Basin, Colorado
WAT-2011-03 Coalbed Methane Stream Depletion Assessment Study Sand Wash Basin WAT-2011-03 Coalbed Methane Stream Depletion Assessment Study Sand Wash Basin, Colorado
WAT-2011-01 - El Paso County Groundwater Quality Study: Phase 1 WAT-2011-01 El Paso County Groundwater Quality Study: Phase 1
B-54 Natural Acid Rock Drainage Associated with Hydrothermally Altered Terrane in Colorado B-54 Natural Acid Rock Drainage Associated with Hydrothermally Altered Terrane in Colorado
MIN-2010-01 Lone Mesa State Park Mineral and Water Resource Assessment MIN-2010-01 Lone Mesa State Park Mineral and Water Resource Assessment
OF-09-11 Managing Stormwater to Protect Water Resources in Mountainous Regions of Colorado OF-09-11 Managing Stormwater to Protect Water Resources in Mountainous Regions of Colorado