Basic data release 36: hydrologic and water-quality data in western Jefferson County, Colorado. 9 pages. 2 figures. 12 tables. Digital PDF download. MI-11D
From the Introduction:
The need for more information on the availability of water for domestic supply in the mountainous area in Jefferson County, Colorado and the need for understanding of water-quality problems associated with sewage disposal by the Jefferson County Planning Commission, who, along with the CGS, cooperated with the U.S. Geological Survey in a two-year study of hydrogeologic and water-quality conditions. The study began in July 1972 and ended in June 1974.
The area covered by the study is roughly 300 mi2 (780 km2) of mountainous Jefferson County extending from Clear Creek on the north to the Pike National Forest boundary on the south and from the east edge of the Front Range Mountains to the western boundary of the county.