MS-12 Map of Licensed Coal Mines in Colorado as of 01 June 1978 (detail) MS-12 Map of Licensed Coal Mines in Colorado as of 01 June 1978
MS-27 Surficial Geology and Geologic Hazards of the Douglas Pass-Baxter Region MS-27 Surficial Geology and Geologic Hazards of the Douglas Pass-Baxter Region, Rio Blanco and Garfield Counties, Colorado
MS-06 Energy Resource Development Map of Colorado (detail) MS-06 Energy Resource Development Map of Colorado
OF-81-06 Coal Bed Methane Potential of the Sand Wash Basin OF-81-06 Coal Bed Methane Potential of the Sand Wash Basin, Green River Coal Region, Colorado
MS-15 Map and Discovery of Permitted Colorado Coal Mines MS-15 Map and Discovery of Permitted Colorado Coal Mines, 1981